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Bathroom Preferences: Millennials vs. Other Generations

  • 1 min read

Bathroom Preferences: Millennials vs. Other Generations - Archival Designs House Plans

According to a recent study by NAHB, homebuyer prefences between Millennials vs. other generations greatly vary when it comes to bathrooms.


The report complied between 2007 and 2018 showed that the three main bathroom features studied below are significantly more desirable among Millennials than among the older generations.

The desire for whirlpool tubs stays relatively consistent for Millennials, but declines for homebuyers as they age (Figure 11.1). The Crystal Falls farmhouse plan before an elegant whirlpool tubs that adds a touch of luxury and relation to the space.  For the aging population it may present accessibility issues which may reflect the steel decline in desirability among Baby Boomers and Seniors alike.


House Plan Preferences | Millennials vs. Other Generations

Crystal Falls | Farm House Plan | Craftsman House Plan


Dressing areas prove to be important across generations with an increasing desire among Millennials in the last few years (Figure 11.2).  Converting a walk-in closet into a luxurious dressing area is as easy as thoughtful planning of storage, lighting, and high-end touches.  Consider introducing seating, built-in storage units and bright lights to create an organized dressing room.


House Plan Preferences | Millennials vs. Other Generations Dressing Area | House Plans| Archival Designs


Finally, the share who want his and her baths increases dramatically for Millennials, compared to showing no real trend among the other generations (Figure 11.3). The master bath is no longer a small, functional “get in and get out” type of space.  Busy work schedules may make having separate areas to get ready in a more attractive option for younger couples.  The Chateau Melliant castle house plan shows a great example of separate his & hers bathrooms catering to each individual's needs.

House Plan Preferences | Millennials vs. Other Generations

Chateau Mellliant | Castle House Plan | Luxury Home Plan



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