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Pro Builder Perks - Loyalty Program

Build like a Pro. Save like a Pro.

Our Pro Builder Perks loyalty program offers building professionals discounts on all house plan purchases, and so much more. Joining is free!


As an exclusive member, you will receive discounts on every house plan purchase.


Pro Builder Perks Reward Levels

Pro Builder Perks - Level 1
 10% off your first house plan order
Pro Builder Perks - Level 2

 15% off your 2nd - 9th house plan order


Pro Builder Perks - Level 3

 20% off your 10th and above house plan order


Additional Perks for Our Pros


FREE Ground Shipping

Registered builders will receive free ground shipping (Continental United States only) 


Grow Your Business with FREE Advertising

Show off your built homes by submitting photographs! The most reliable way to earn a potential client's trust is by showing off your portfolio. Your business name and contact information will be added to our website and social media pages to maximize exposure for your company. 


Email photographs of your built home to info@archivaldesigns.com with the subject 'Pro Builder'. You must be the owner of the photos and will be asked to e-sign a photo copyright release.



Joining is easy! 

Enter your email below or place your first order by calling 770-831-6363 and mention the Pro Builder Perks loyalty program.


We are excited to work with you!


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