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House Plan Formats Explained

PDF (Single Build)

A complete set of working drawings delivered in digital PDF format. This option comes with a license to build ONE home and includes a copyright release for printing unlimited sets of plans and making modifications.

CAD + PDF (Single Build)

A complete set of working drawings delivered in digital DWG and PDF formats. AutoCAD files are used by design professionals to make significant modifications or engineering calculations to the plan. This option comes with a license to build ONE home and includes a copyright release for printing unlimited sets of plans and making modifications.

5 or 8 Prints (Single Build)

Five or eight printed sets of working drawings shipped to you. This option comes with a license to build ONE home.

5 Prints + PDF (Single Build)

Five printed sets of working drawings shipped to you, plus a digital version in PDF format. This option comes with a license to build ONE home and includes a copyright release for printing unlimited sets of plans and making modifications.

PDF (Multi Build)

A complete set of working drawings delivered in digital PDF format. This option comes with a license to build an UNLIMITED number of homes and includes a copyright release for printing unlimited sets of plans and making modifications. This option may not be available for all house plans, or may require a specific format to be purchased. Please call 770-831-6363 for more information.

CAD + PDF (Multi Build)

A complete set of working drawings delivered in digital DWG and PDF formats. AutoCAD files are used by design professionals to make significant modifications or engineering calculations to the plan. This option comes with a license to build an UNLIMITED number of homes and includes a copyright release for printing unlimited sets of plans and making modifications. This option may not be available for all house plans, or may require a specific format to be purchased. Please call 770-831-6363 for more information.

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